AMATL podcast is a production of LAEH Lab. It explores environmental contexts, perspectives, and initiatives in various places across Latin America. In each episode, we talk with guests who share their experience, knowledge, and understanding of a particular environmental topic.
We have called this project AMATL for a historical reason and a creative goal. Amatl is the Nahuatl name of a tropical tree (ficus insipida) that ranges from Mexico to Northern South America and whose bark was extensively used by Mesoamerican Pre-Columbian cultures to produce paper. The amatl paper served for keeping records and narrating events through pictographic and ideographic writing: it then implies a technology and a communication system. We aim to conduct AMATL as a digital technology to communicate stimulating perspectives on the environment and its social dimensions.
AMATL Podcast will be conducted in Spanish, although one episode per season will be recorded in English. Thank you for listening and stay tuned!
Click below to listen to the Season 1 Trailer and Episodes.

1200-1250 CE, page 51. Source: Public Domain.